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KOBI Projects

All our projects are hosted by Github, here is the list :

Contributing process

  • Checkout a new branch, use the following format : feature/feature-name or fix/bug-to-fix
  • To commit, use the AngularJS commit convention
  • Please provide at least unit tests covering your code
  • Use pull-requests and wait for reviews

Generators and Starters

Creating a starter

A starter is a set of tools for a given language.

The most interesting features to provide in a Starter are :

  • The registration process at startup by calling the Registry API, you should read the Applications section.
  • Authentication integration, by decoding the authentication cookie and handling Unauthorized requests
  • Facilitate access to the headers sent by Gluer to your modules (X-Kobi-...) : Application request

Make sure to take a look at the available Starters for inspiration : Java Starter, Node Starter.

Adding a Generator template

A Generator template is consumed by the Project Generator to provide an application skeleton for a given techno.

Currently we have two templates : Java template and VueJs template.

They both provide 2 parametrized folders with the application skeletons and the application configurations.

Templates are registered in our Generator configuration like this :

  user: xxx
  token: xxx
    - name: standard-module
      branch: master
    - name: vuejs-module
      branch: master

If you created a new Starter for your use case, feel free to create the corresponding template and use a pull-request on the Kobi-initializr to use it !

KOBI Team Members

Current members

  • Farid AOURAGH
  • SĂ©bastien POILLY
  • Fabien LEBLANC
  • Ludovic LAGATIE
  • Florian DUBOIS
  • Mickael VANHOUTTE
  • Dimitri DESCAMPS
  • Jeremy FLORTE
  • Remi DANDOIS
  • Tristan JUMEAUX

Older members

  • SĂ©bastien DEVAUX
  • StĂ©phane FOURRIER
  • Jeoffrey HAEYAERT
  • Jordan HERMANT
  • SĂ©bastien MINNE
  • JosuĂ© RUKATA
  • SĂ©bastien VELAY
  • Guillaume LENOIR