New KOBI documentation is available:

Applications used

To create our new site, I used the first two applications of the Sample repository :

  • 01-java-site : that contains a very basic html template with a container
  • 02-java-microapplication : hosting a header and a footer fragments

These two application were deployed using their docker images (01-java-site and 02-java-microapplication). At startup they registered on the Registry (fee free to change the kobi.registration.base-url in the application.yml to match your instance).

Designer applications

Once registered our application are visible in Designer Applications administration :

Applications admin Applications admin

Site creation

We will now create a Site configuration under Administration > Sites

  • Choose a name and label
  • Set up your domain, the host should point to a Gluer service
    Site domains Site domains
  • Set up your applications (01-java-site, 02-java-microapplication and your Shaper-web)
    Applications config Applications config
  • The other tabs are not relevant for the moment, save your configuration and publish it !

Once published your Site will be displayed in the header select box (choose a site).


Now we can start creating models and pages !