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Select your newly created Site in the header and go to the Models section of Designer.

Page Model

We will create our first Page model that will contain

  • The Header component from 02-java-microapplication
  • A KOBI Container to add more components in our pages
  • The Footer component from 02-java-microapplication

Steps :

  • Click on + Add a model
  • Choose a name, Header/Footer for example
  • Select the / template (this will use the site-templates/global.html from the 01-java-site application)
  • Click Add to continue

A new card representing your model appeared :

New Model New Model

Click Design to start adding components !

You are now in the Design view, on the left pane you can see the added components (only a Container for now), and on the right the preview of your model.

  • Click the container, a list of components will appear.
    Model design Model design

  • Select the Header component and drag it to the container area on the right.

  • The page will reload, now on the left pane you should see the Header component inside the Container.

  • We need to configure the components to add a message, click on the Header component.

  • Enter a message, A sample header ! in my example and save.
    Configured header Configured header

  • Now add a Container under the Header

  • Then add the Footer under the Container (repeat the steps made for the Header).

The final result should look like that :

Model result Model result

I know it’s not the prettiest page, but eh, it’s an example ! Feel free to update the templates and styles of theese components. The model should be automatically updated once your applications restarted.

  • When you are satisfied, Publish the model.


Let’s go to the Pages section (from the header).

  • Create a new page by clicking the + Add a page
  • Choose a name, Home for example
  • Select your new Model Header/Footer
  • Click Add to continue
  • An URL should be generated (your site host + / since it’s the root page).
  • Fill the titles and meta fields or skip by clicking Next
  • A default variation will be created for this Page, click Finalize.

Like for the model, a new card representing you page should appear :

New page New page

Click Design to edit it.

Once again you are in the Design view, what you see is very similar to the model, on the left we have our Header, Container and Footer but only the Container is editable since the two other are component’s inherited from our Header.

If you click on the Container you will be able to add more component’s to your page. Unfortunately we didn’t configured more, so we will just Publish our page.

Go back to the Pages section, your page card should be green now that it’s published.
In the URL tab you can access your page click on its URL.

Published page Published page

The result should look like :
Final result Final result

Next steps

Congratulation, you’ve created a basic Site configuration, set up your applications and designed your first model and page.
Now you should think about the components you will need and create the pages of your site !

Some resources you may need :

  • Layout : to help you slicing your pages in component !
  • User guide : to discover all the features of Designer !
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