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KOBI’s goal is to manage Micro Applications in order to create your pages in your website.

To create your website with KOBI, it consists in 3-steps:

  • Install KOBI.
  • Create your applications.
  • Test and Deploy your Micro Applications.
  • Create your Site Configuration.
  • Design your Page Models and Pages.

The first step you need to install KOBI core applications.

Create your applications

There is 2 main application types that you will need to build your site:

  • A Site application, that will host your base templates and common static resources.
  • Multiple Micro Application that will host your components to build your pages (header, footer, price box …).

Site Application


Micro Application

Develop your first Micro Applications with Initializr

The KOBI Initializr is a project made to create sample projects, we can register multiple project templates for each technos (a github repository with variabilized filenames and content replaced by your inputs in the Initializr form). A good project template should have a Starter as a dependency to handle registration (at least, may handle authentication, context access…).

Register your Micro Application

After you created your first application, you need to register it at Registry API.

You have two ways to do:

Manually: with the Designer UI.

Automatically through starter kit: We recommend using Starters (a library that will handle interactions with KOBI) to register your application automatically at startup, this way your application version is always up to date (to reload static resources when using a CDN or use new components for example).

Once registered your applications can be found in Designer in the Application Administration.

Create your Site Configuration

Once you have a Site Application and your Micro Application you can create a Site configuration in Designer.
You can manage your site’s domains and more importantly, the applications that will be used.
You can also define your Security options.

Design your Page Models and Pages

The “last” step is to build your site Pages. To do that we will first create a Page Model.
Page Models are the fundations of your pages, for example a base model with a header, a container and a footer.

You can now create Pages based on your Model. Using the previously created Model you should see your Header and Footer and in between an area to add the components of your choice.

Each pages are associated to an URL, but Page Models may be used to render all the pages of a given Resource type this is usefull to avoid creating thousand of pages manually for your products for example.