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KOBI glossary

Over the KOBI ecosystem, you are going to see this terms over the documentation.

Creating your applications

Term Definition
Site application Micro Application that exposes base templates (HTML) to design your pages and common static resources (CSS/JS).
Backend application An application used to create a complete HTML page based on a Site application template with KOBI instruction to embed components or containers.
Micro application Deployable program, scalable in a cloud environment. An application contains components and services (ex REST) related to a specific functional area.
Components A HTML element that can be used to design pages or models, may be Fragments or Application context.
Fragment A piece of HTML used to render a part of the site (ex : Header, Product Box)
Application context A label used to find a Page Model to use in which your application will be rendered when using applicative mode (see Application resolution)


Term Definition
Site Configuration The configuration for your site, including domains, security, SEO…
Experience An override of a site configuration, accessible from a distinct domain, to experiment new application versions or configurations without disturbing the other users.
Resolver A KOBI Library used to resolve the URLs of your website.
Tenant A subset of the site by locale. A Subdomain is made from a Tenant and a Locale.
locale A language available for your site, associated with a tenant you get a subdomain, ex with, the tenant would be www and the locale fr-FR.

Design a page

Term Definition
Page models Basic structure that your pages can extend, ex: a Model may configure a Header component, a container and a Footer component, each Pages based on this Model will inherit this structure.
Page A Web page, with a unique URL.
Page variations A version of the page at a given time, you can create a variation of a page with some changes that will be live when you want it to be.
Versions and states Models, Pages and Variations are versionned, after creation they will be DRAFT, and LIVE after publication.