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The advantages of microservices architecture are multiple, in particular in terms of stability, flexibility and maintenance.
Breaking down heavy monolithic applications into smaller applications, each responding to very distinct tasks, guarantees a high level of availability of services to users and appears much easier to manage for development teams.
However, to succeed in this type of project with our KOBI solution, it is important to have in mind some prerequisites:

  • HTTP 2
    Although KOBI will work with HTTP1/1, we recommend to be immediately HTTP2 compliant. If you have heavy trafic on your website, you probably use a CDN. Recent CDN offers HTTP2 protocol on network link with final client.

  • Cloud computing
    With the objectives of time to market, fast deployment, resilience, auto scaling, it is heavy recommended to run KOBI in a cloud environment. If you are not familiar with that, a dedicated Ops team may be necessary.

  • Development teams
    The micro-services approach requires a human organization compatible with the system implemented. The more your teams grow, the more KOBI become a solution to consider. Otherwise, it is advisable to stay on a monolithic architecture.

  • Features lifecycle
    The use of a micro-services solution is justified if you use a large and constantly evolving functional scope on your site.
    KOBI is made to bring continuously new features to the end user.

  • Visitors and hits
    KOBI solution is of interest when you have a large number of visitors to your website and a lack of performance and resilience has an immediate impact on your business.

  • Front expertise
    The approach requires an effort of design and functional analysis to bring out autonomous and strongly cohesive functional units. Slicing a monolithe to micro front-end applications requires a very good expertise on CSS and JS. Front developpers should be aware that their components should be used in several pages.

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