New KOBI documentation is available:

Kinds of applications

In KOBI you can Register different kinds of applications to create a unique Site.

An application may be :

  • a Micro-application which may contains multiple fragments and application-contexts
  • a Site which holds the templates used to design Models and Pages. A Site is also a kind of Micro-application that can registers fragments and application contexts.
  • a Backend which should return HTML backbones based on a Site’s template and may contains KOBI tags like <kobi:fragment>.

A Site configuration should contains :

  • exactly one configured Site application to hold templates
  • one or more Backend
  • zero or more Micro-applications
  • zero or one Resolution API

Check Site administration for detailled configuration.


To simplify the integration of your applications with KOBI (registration, authentication…) you may use what we call a Starter as a dependency in your projects.

List of available Starters and their features here.

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