New KOBI documentation is available:

What’s that ?

Registry is an API that allow applications registration and sites configuration.

To use components in your site they must be registered through the API at startup, or in Designer in the applications administration.

Once you have registered components, you may create a site configuration (again, API or Designer) that will be used by KOBI.

Based on a published site configuration you may create Experiences to define custom environments based on the default configuration that will allow to override the applications to use in your environment.

For example if you have a ‘Header’ and a ‘Footer’ components both deployed in 1.0.0 and configured in your LIVE site configuration, you may register a 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT and use the ‘Header’ component in this version in your Experience.
This way you can work on a single (or multiple) component(s) without disrupting the LIVE configuration for other users.

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