New KOBI documentation is available:

What’s that ?

The Resolver application is an application which manage web resources and urls.

The purpose of the resolver application is to link web resources and urls, so KOBI can find which page or page models it should render.
To link a resource with an url path, the resolver performs what we call a resolution.

A resolution can be done in 2 ways:

  • with a site identifier and an url path to get the associated resource
  • or with a site identifier, a resource type and a resource identifier to get the associated url path.
The first resolution have to be done with a resource type and resource identifier to get the path.

The results of resolutions are stored in a database. The resolution process won’t be triggered until the resource' time to live is reached, this allows unnecessary calls to a configured ‘remote’ resolver.
By default, the resolver application only propose a resolution process working with page (not page model), but a resolution API respecting this API contract can be plug to overwrite this behavior.

What trigger a resolution ?

a request on your website

When a user requested the following url, Gluer uses the embedded resolver library to resolve the path /my-page.
The URL resolution is made by Gluer right after the site detection if the path does not match an application or a static resource.
The result of this resolution is sent to a backend (Shaper-web by default) to find a Page or a Page model that is associated to this resource (check User guide).
See Processing for more information about request workflow.

a path or resource placeholder

When you put a path or resource placeholder on a page, Gluer uses the embedded resolver library to resolve the placeholder.

a page creation

When you create a page in the Designer interface, Designer call the res