New KOBI documentation is available:

What’s that ?

Shaper is the application handling page and model you design in designer for your site.
It is composed of 2 web applications :

  • Shaper Web: the KOBI default backend application,
  • Shaper API: an API to manage pages and page models.


Shaper Web

Shaper web is the default backend for KOBI.

For a given request (coming from Gluer in fragment processing mode) it will find a matching Page or Page model, retrieve its template from the Site application and create an HTML document aggregating the page with it’s page models (inheritance).

This document might contains fragment tags that will be replaced with actual HTML from the matching application by Gluer.

Shaper API

Shaper API is an API that allows managing pages and page models.

In the API section you can find all entrypoint or learn how to use the Java client.

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