New KOBI documentation is available:

With application mode, you can embed a standalone application in an existing KOBI Page model, it may be helpfull to decorate your application with the header and footer component of your site.
In application mode, Gluer will route request and request body to your application, you will be able to work with form or upload.

If the proxy response from an Application contains a ‘X-Kobi-Application-Context’ header, Gluer will make a new backend request to Shaper Web and the value of ‘X-Kobi-Application-Context’ header will be used by Shaper Web to identify the Page Model in which the application will be embeded.

A Page Model has to be configured by the means of KOBI Designer with Application component matching this Application Context.

Gluer will fetch the result of the Page Model from Shaper Web and then process fragments.


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