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This section explains how KOBI works with an incoming request.

Incoming request

On an incoming request, Gluer will first Resolve Site & Device.

Gluer will then make an Application Request Resolution if the incomming request is intended to a micro front-end application. Incoming request may be intended to a micro front-end application to get static resource, to call API, or in case of Application Mode.

If incomming request is not intended to a micro front-end application then it will make an URL Resolution followed by a Backend Request Resolution unless URL resolution result in a redirect to an other url, in this last case a Send Redirect will be sent to the client and the request will be ended.

Incoming request

Backend or Application Response

Several case may ocure when Gluer get proxy response from Application or Backend

  • If request was made to an application :

    • If proxy response status is 404 (Not Found) then Gluer will resolve a new request to a backend to display 404 error page.
    • If proxy response status is 401 (Not Authorized) then Gluer will redirect client to Authentication process.
    • If proxy response status is 5xx (Error) then Gluer will display the default error 500 page for the curent Site.
    • If proxy response status is 301 or 302 (Redirect) then Gluer will forward the redirect
    • If proxy response Content-Type is text/html and header X-Kobi-Application-Context is set then Gluer will handle Application processing
    • If proxy response Content-Type is “text/*” or contains “javascript” or start with “application/json” then Gluer will handle rewrite processing while proxying response to the client
    • Else Gluer will handle pump processing to proxy response to the client without any modification and using back pressure
  • If request was made to a backend :

    • If proxy response status is 401 (Not Authorized) and error passthrough flag is configured as false then Gluer will redirect client to authentication page.
    • If proxy response status is 5xx (Error) and error passthrough flag is configured as false then Gluer will display the default error 500 page for the curent Site.
    • If proxy response status is 301 or 302 (Redirect) then Gluer will forward the redirect
    • If proxy response Content-Type is text/html and header X-Kobi-Discover-Fragment is set as true then Gluer will handle Fragment processing
    • If proxy response Content-Type is “text/*” or contains “javascript” or start with “application/json” then Gluer will handle rewrite processing while proxying response to the client
    • Else Gluer will handle pump processing to proxy response to the client without any modification and using back pressure

Proxy response