New KOBI documentation is available:

This section is used to manage resource types and scopes.


Resources admin

Resources administration is accessible from the “Administration” tab in the header.
Resources is the first tab of the Administration Screen.

Resource administration is done site by site, check which Site you are working on in the header.


Resources list

On this screen you will find the list of existing resource types
Here you can add new resources, edit existing ones or delete them.
You can see pages or models using each types as well.

Note that you cannot edit nor delete a resource that is currently used in a Model or a Page.


Resources scopes

When clicking a resource type, you can see the list of scopes.
Here you can add new scopes, edit existing ones or delete them.
You can see pages or models using each scopes as well.

Reserved types

Somes resource names are reserved and used internally by KOBI such as :

  • URL
  • PAGE

You cannot create types with these names nor edit or delete them.

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