New KOBI documentation is available:

Without KOBI

Once started localy, you can test your application like any other (you should refer to the generated if you used the KOBI Initializr).

Java Starter

In the case you are using the Java Starter you might need to add the following header :

X-Kobi-Site-Id : a-site-id

In order to instanciate the NavigationContext object (the value does not matter if you don’t have a Site configuration already).

Using a local Gluer and an Experience

If you already have a full KOBI environment set up and you want to see your new component inside a Page with other components before deploying it, it’s possible !

Set up your Experiences

  • Start your local application, and Register it in Designer (if not automatically done by a Starter), use http://localhost:xxxx as URL for your app. Do not use 8080 as the port, since it will be reserved for Gluer.
  • Edit your /etc/hosts to add this line :
  • Go to your Designer instance and create an Experiences. Use as the Domain for this Experience.
  • In the application tab, add the local version of your application


  • Create a Page in Designer using your Experience (select it in the header, next to the site), add your components inside.


  • Generate a Vault token
  • Start a Gluer instance in local configured to fetch its configuration in that Registry (use the profile corresponding to your instance of Registry and Designer) :
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "LOGGING_STRATEGY=LEGACY" -e "APP_PROFILES=local-ref" -e "BU_CODE=frlm" -e "VAULT_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN" -e "SPRING_PROFILE_ACTIVE=local-ref" -e "" 
  • Go to you should see it !