New KOBI documentation is available:

This section we’ll learn how to design Pages.

We highly recommand starting by reading the layout document first to understand the concepts behind page design.


You can access Pages view from the home page :

Access Pages home

Or from the header :

Access Pages header


List pages

From this view you can see all created pages, which are organized like a tree.
This view is very similar as the Models list but there is no inheritance here, the tree organisation is used for URLs

On the right side of the screen, a card display informations about the currently selected page. You can access the design view from there by clicking the Designer button or by double clicking the page’s name in the tree.

Creating a page

Add pages

You can access the page’s creation form by clicking the + Add a page in the top of the tree at any level. This will open the creation form card.


Form pages

Notice the message Child of the "page XXX"

You are asked for :

  • A page name that will be displayed in the tree
  • A Model
  • You can set this page as the last level of the web tree this will add a .html instead of a / if using the default resolver implementation
  • An optionnal association to a Resource type and resource ID.
  • An Alias to easily create links

Click Add to continue to the next step.


Form pages

This step will display the generated URL for this page based on this position in the tree and its name (when no remote resolver is set). You can edit the URL to fit your needs.
You are asked for :

  • a title
  • a meta-description

Click Next to continue to the next and last step.


Form pages

A variation is a representation of your page at a given time, you can create multiples variations of your pages with ending and starting dates. Here you are asked to create the default one.

If you’re OK with the default values, click Finalizee to complete the page’s creation. The page will appear on the tree, you can now Design it.


Design pages

On the left side you will see the list of already added components, they may come from the site’s template itself or from the choosen Model.
In our example we already have these components that comes from the Header/Footer Model:

  • Optimizely
  • Metatag
  • Header
  • A Container
  • Footer
  • Commander’s Act

By hovering one of them, a tooltip display where the component is configured.

Aside from the container, all these components are invisible (fragments with ‘visible=false’), so the right side of the page is empty.

On the top of the right side you can select different devices or languages (if multiple locales have been defined in your site configuration).


Click on a container to start adding components :

Design models

The left pane changed to display a list of available components in your Site. You can use the input to search through them by name.

You can drag components to the container to add them.
If the added component requires a configuration, a form will be displayed to fill them.


When you are done with the design you can publish it in the footer

Variation informations

From the header, select the Variation informations tab :

Page variation infos

From here you can edit your variation’s name, and set starting / ending dates. On the left pane you can see the Page Model used for this variation.

All variations

From the header, select the See all variations tab :

Page all variations

From here you can see each variation, state by state on a timeline.
You can also create a new variation for your page.

Variation creation

Click Add a variationin the upper-right corner, this will open the variation form :

Page variation form

You can set a new name for this variation and use a different Model. Click Save to complete the creation.
You will be redirected to the Variation informations where you can set starting / ending dates for this variation.

For this tutorial, I set a starting date in the future, and published the variation.

Coming back to the All variations view, the new variation should appear on the timeline in the Planned publications “folder”.

Page planned variation

When the starting date is reached (tomorrow in this example), the planned variation will be automatically effective and replace the current one.
If you set an ending date to this planned variation, it will be archived and the default one will take back it’s place.

You can create as much variations as you want.

A use case could be “tomorrow is the beginning of sales on our website, we want to display a banner on our homepage”, create a new variation on your homepage, add a banner component on the container, set a starting date and end date matching the sales period and publish. The banner will be displayed when the sales starts and disappear when it ends. Magic.

Page informations

Last tab in the header, the Page informations.

There are two sub tabs on the left, General and SEO


Page informations general

From there you can :

  • See / edit your page’s name
  • See / edit its resource type and id
  • Set an Alias
  • Delete the page


Click on the SEO sub-tab :

Page informations general

On this screen you can :

  • see / edit your page’s title
  • see / edit your page’s meta-description
  • see / edit / trigger a new resolution (for remote resolver) your page’s URL
  • set the page as last level of the web tree (add the .html)
  • Add redirections to your page

Adding a redirection

To create a new redirection to this page, use the search input to look for an available URL, if there are no results, you can click Add on the right :

Add redirection

  • Set the tenant
  • Enter the searched URL relative path
  • Set the redirection status (301/302)
  • Click Save

Your new URL should appear on the redirection list, you can now access it or edit / delete it.

Add redirection result