
Create your first test

The PandaLab gradle plugin helps you create test tasks to run on the lab. It is possible to create different gradle tasks to deal with very specific needs.


Add the gradle plugin classpath to the build.gradle file at the root of the project:

pandalab_version =

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.leroymerlin.pandalab:gradle-plugin:$pandalab_version"

Then modify the build.gradle file of your application module to configure the PandaLab plugin :

apply plugin: 'com.leroymerlin.pandalab'

pandalab {
    serviceAccountFile = file("path/to/your/firebase-adminsdk.json")
    appName = "APP NAME"

To know how to recover the file please consult the following link : firebase documentation

Write test

UI tests

Check the official documentation to build your Espresso/UI automation tests.

Take screenshot

If you want screenshot in your test report you have to use Spoon

compile {
    implementation "com.squareup.spoon:spoon-client:1.7.1"
Spoon.screenshot(activity, "initial_state");

Create a task

pandalab extension allows you to define various parameters in order to launch your instrumentation tests on your phone fleet. You must define the variant name to test, then you can define the devices ids or groups on which the tests must run.

pandalab {
    // ...
    tests {
        test1 {
            variantName = "debug" //required
            devices = ["345678765433456", "09876543456789098765"] //default []
            groups = ["pandalab"] //default []
            devicesCount = 1 //default 0
            timeoutInSecond = 1800 //default 3 hours
            waitForResult = false //default true
            enable = true//default true
        test2 {
            variantName = "debug"
  • variantName: name of the variant to retrieve the apk that will be launched for the tests
  • devices: the identifiers of the devices on which the tests will be run. The identifiers can be found in the web interface.
  • groups: the name of the device groups on which the tests will be run.
  • devicesCount: the number of device to use. 0 will use all the selected devices.
  • timeoutInSecond: timeout in second. The default value is 900 seconds.
  • waitForResult: wait for the result on all tests launched. Very useful for fail a CI job. The default value is true.
  • enable: Enable a task. The default value is true.

The different tests declared in tests generate gradle tasks with the name of the test with the suffix PandaLabTest.

In the example above, it generates the tasks : test1PandaLabTest and test2PandaLabTest

Run one task

To launch the previously created task test1, launch the command line :

./gradlew app:test1PandaLabTest

Run all tasks

./gradlew runPandaLabTests

Upload a version

If you just want to upload a new version to the web interface for a latter use, you can run

./gradlew uploadToPandaLab

That way you will be able to create a test from this version directly in the web interface.