

Make sure you have followed all the steps in the configure section before trying to deploy.

Configure project

Pandalab install have been tested on MacOs and Windows with node version 10.+ and 12.+.

Known issues

  • Using node 13.+ to build may crash
  • Building windows agent on mac catalina fail (
  • Building linux agent on windows fail (

Agent build targets

You can choose the agent build targets os you need to build in .config/config.json with agentBuildTargets. Available target are mac (m), linux (l) and windows (w). By default it will only build for the hosting os.

   "agentBuildTargets": "mlw"


Run the following command in the root folder to deploy the project to firebase

npm install
npm run deploy


To update the project you just have to pull and deploy.

git pull
npm install
npm run deploy

Install Agent

To install an agent, go to the admin section of your deployed website and download the corresponding agent client.